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How to Check Your Keyboard and Mouse Polling Rate

Have you ever wondered how responsive your keyboard and mouse really are? In a previous article, we delved into what the polling rate is and its importance in gaming and computing.

Building on that knowledge, this guide will show you how to test the polling rate of your keyboard and mouse using two simple yet effective tools.

Ready to discover more? Let’s dive in!

Testing Keyboard Polling Rate

The Keyboard Inspector tool is a utility designed to check the polling rate of keyboards. It’s especially useful because there are fewer utilities for this purpose compared to mouse polling rate checkers.

But first things first, let’s show you where you can find it.

Getting Started with Keyboard Inspector Tool

To download the Keyboard Inspector tool, simply go to this link. You’ll find the tool available to download by clicking on “”

Downloading Keyboard Inspector

Once you’ve downloaded it, open the ZIP file, and you’ll see the ‘Keyboard Inspector.exe’ file.

Keyboard Inspector ZIP file

Double-click on this file to launch the tool and start testing your keyboard’s polling rate.

Measuring Your Keyboard’s Polling Rate

Discovering your keyboard’s polling rate is a straightforward process with the Keyboard Inspector tool. Here’s how you can quickly measure it to understand your keyboard’s performance and responsiveness:

  1. Press the “Start Recording” button.
  2. Spam keys on your keyboard for a couple of seconds (more than 5 seconds; otherwise, the tool won’t have enough data to determine your keyboard’s polling rate).
  3. Stop recording.
  4. Press on the “Analyze” tab and select “Polling Rate Fitter.”
  5. Check out your result.
Keyboard Inspector data

This tool can tell you whether your keyboard is running on 125, 500, or 1000 Hz, providing valuable information for users interested in the responsiveness and performance of their keyboard​

Testing Mouse Polling Rate Using CPS-Check

To check your mouse’s polling rate, a simple yet effective tool is available at CPS-Check. Here’s a step-by-step guide to using it:

  1. Visit the CPS-Check Polling Rate Checker.
  2. Once there, you’ll see a green field with the prompt “Click here.” Click on it to start the recording process.
  3. Now, move your mouse cursor in circles within this green space. This motion is necessary for the tool to accurately register your mouse’s polling rate.
  4. As you do this, the tool will analyze and display your mouse’s polling rate.

For a clear visual guide on how to perform these steps, make sure to check out the video provided below. This tool will help you understand the responsiveness and efficiency of your mouse, which are essential for tasks that demand precision and speed.

How to use CPS Check for mouse polling rate


We hope these tools, Keyboard Inspector and CPS-Check, have been valuable in helping you discover the polling rate of your keyboard and mouse.

We’d love to hear from you! Feel free to share your keyboard and mouse polling rates in the comments below.

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Hi, I’m Abdelkader, a gamer and the founder of Gamer Around. I’ve been into gaming for the past 20 years and I love to share my passion and experience with you. Throughout these years, I managed to build a decent amount of knowledge and experience in PC hardware, but I’m always learning and improving.

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